Saturday, July 22, 2006
today was fine, i think.
hmm! amina got picked on for dance (: hahaha! damn poor thing lah! but she's so blur =/ and my ass got smacked -.- but it wasnt pain(: and laoshi is damn funny! HAHAHA AND EVIL. cos she hit my left ass first then she went, if i only hit one side and it swells, wont it be ugly? so...what should i do? and she hit my right ass -.- so gay! -.- HAHA. and 210 is so evil! >:( they said ONE instead of ZERO! ): cheat my feelings lah! ):
then there was cip. when i first saw them, i just felt damn sad. and i felt like crying. and the rest started laughing, i dont know for what reason because i dont see why they should be laughing at mentally disabled people when they are so fortunate. okay anyway, it was quite okay. but i have a feeling my group people didnt understand what we were reading =/ then... we started singing songs (: and they were really enthu and stuff! and it was really quite fun! (:
and then after the whole thing, sunlao started saying stuff like, now do we know how hard it is to teach -.- i was like whatever lah. it's so obvious what she's trying to say. -.- anyway nevermind, whatever! (:
hmm, i dont feel like blogging anymore. at least not here.
glitters in one day. and yet i dont feel the concert mood... nor the dancing mood ): oh no ): sigh. oh well. i hope i'll be light tomorrow again. i think i have to starve myself so that tuoju will be stable =/ i just ate like two puffs and they said i was heavy! >: ( or was it because i jumped at the wrong time and the momentum wasnt there... HMM! i dont know (: nevermind. im starving myself tomorrow! (:
1:22 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
i wanted to blog yesterday about yesterday yesterday but i didnt! so now i shall blog about all three days! (:
17th July 2006, Mondaytoday was FUNNNNNYYYYY (: we used 315's classroom and it was damn fun (: we all sat in our groups and of course, 7ofus sat together PLUS tammytantiantian! HAHAH (: first it was science! and we kind of pissed her off... because practically NO ONE was listening?! but hey, i was listening (: and i could hear nana's voice droning... SHE KEPT TALKING LAH. and i just kept nodding my head and going "mmm." HAHAHA (: but i seriously just cannot stand two people talking at the same time! nevermind (:
then it was CHINESE! OMGOMGOMGOMG (: WE SO TOTALLY PISSED HER OFF LAH. damn funny okay! because she asked us to read the passage silently! then i mean like, what do expect from a hyper bunch of girls! (: so we started reading out loud. at first it was only like normal reading! then we started to read funnily (: and she couldnt stand it anymore and she went "hey. i asked you all to read SILENTLY. do you all not understand chinese?" in chinese. HAHAHHAA. then we continued doing nonsense.
THEN TRISH WAS DAMN FUNNY. cos she asked trish to read one para. AND TRISH READ IT DAMN SLOWLY. I THINK SHE TOOK LIKE 8 MINUTES LAH. HAHAHAHAHA. AND IT WAS ON PURPOSE. and you know she's damn sarcastic. she went something like "oh, i didnt know you all didnt know how to read so many words." in chinese, of course. -.- like WHATEVER LAH -.- ahahahah nevermind (: then she asked someone else to read -.- gay.
hmm then it was MATH (: math was damn funny too! at least she was more sporty (: lala and she didnt pms today so it was kind of fun actually! HEH. i didnt need to retake quiz (: LALALA. NANA WAS LIKE SMACKING ME LAH. -.- not my problem right! -.- DAMN PAIN LAH. WAHLAO!
anyway nevermind (: heh. i think thats all for today!
18th July 2006, Tuesdayomg. today we totally didnt have lessons! firstly because matthew went for rehearsal and i think sunlao also went for rehearsal (: HEH. so it was like FREE PERIODS LAH. (: and then! we were being damn gay. HAHAHAH I GOT A GOATIE AND NANA HAS A MOUSTACHE. and we got married! <3
HAHAHAHA just joking (:
but it was damn funny! HAHAHA (: then then then we went down to the dance room at 9.30! then we went to eat (: and wongahhui came to look for us after a while. then we went back in! and there was suddenly alot of people =/ so we quickly started tying out hair and stuff! and then make-up! the usual stuff lah (:
oh bianca hates my eyes now (: HAHAHAHA. damn hard to draw eyeliner lah! cos it keeps folding in! then have to draw until damn thick! :O LALALA. not my problem im single-eye lidded right! ): i know i feel damn sad already okay! ):
hmm, then we waited a damn long time! and there was an irritating pervertic ass >: ( he kept staring lah. like what is his problem. i know we are pretty lah! BUT YOU DONT NEED TO STARE SO MUCH RIGHT. HAHAHAHAH lalalala! (: took alot of photos! he kept staring at zephyr because.... LALALA (:
hmm then finale! and nothing much already! finale we just kept sitting there -.- doing nothing but wait -.- damn gay.
19th July 2006, Wednesdaywhich is today! (: we made a new enemy! in the computer lab! :O SO SADDENING. hahahahaha i dont know who irritated who first but its more likely us =/ i dont know because I WAS GUAI AT FIRST and i was inserting the table (: THEN THEY WERE MAKING SO MUCH NOISE. AND THEY MADE ME TURN AROUND. AND OMG. -.- then i started getting hyper too =/
and then it was damn funny (: hahahahah! when she left, nana went " byebye! love ya!" -.- damn stupid right. then she opened the door and went "bye to you too." HAHAHAHA WHATEVER.
she must be thinking that we're bitches (: which, i think we are. damn annoying lah! if i were her i'd be like... (: heh!
okay i dont feel like blogging already =/ THATS ALL (:
12:32 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006
don't feel like blogging about khoo anymore. no mood to.
i think ny is damn dumb. they schedule everything in week four. like seriously. ny glitters in week four, geog presentation in week four, lit circle in week four, IT in week four. BLEARGH.
i feel like puking already. like work vomit.
and all again i feel so POOT.
i think they want to make us go nuts by stressing us out or something. like, at least spread the deadlines out right! there are people like us who just LOVE to do last minute work. like, can't they understand. it's not something that's like super easy to change. moreover, we're all I's -.- so we often procrastinate and TALK CRAP instead of getting down to work. bloody hell. i feel like dying lah.
i dont know how to do lit. circle, i dont know what to do about it. i dont even understand what we're supposed to do with it. and its due tml. she specifically confirmed it with us. but cher said that she wont finish the annotation session for a few more days. but she said it herself she wants the lit circle by monday. -.- rah. sometimes its very confusing when teachers themselves tend to go behind schedule. maybe thats the reason why khoo says she has to be going faster?!
iris just reminded me that there's drama tomorrow. seriously i think i shld start memorising the timetable. its like july already. but it still feels like term one! seriously. OH. i know why im so unfamiliar with the timetable! cos we just changed it! no wonder lah. okay whatever! anyway, we're so dead for drama lah. alot of people aren't happy with the script. like please. the main characters are so MAIN and the minor characters are so MINOR.
yes, there are enough characters for everyone. but like hello, apart from alina, alyssa, josh and whatever, the rest all either only walk past the stage or say one bloody sentence. like nana. "oh hi!" ... like hello?! TWO WORDS?! the script needs editing. seriously. no offence but, it's just not about you. unless you want us to act bimbotic lah. higher requirement. but its still whatever. WE ARE NOT MUTE OKAY. WE CAN TALK TOO, OKAY?
and i cant say that because this blog aint all that private anymore and people might take offence because of one word. WHATEVER OKAY.
.iris} shattered; says:
but why is it like that =/
.iris} shattered; says:
so unfair
even iris is saying something.
beehiang, hurry up do something about this. i could have if i understood what u were gibbering about! okay it wasnt gibberish rubbish that kind but u were going damn fast and i cldnt get what u were saying! so now only you can add the relevant stuff in the script and not make it so...broken. (: yeah.
im in the super productive mood but the thing is I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO, HOW TO DO. what the hell. can someone like tell me what to do.
i just feel like dying lah. fullstop.
7:40 AM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
particularly because...
; she is ego (:
; she is funny (:
; she says that she shld be going faster when students tell her that she's going too fast
; she likes to use her spectacles as her hairband and more than often, not put it properly and it ends up being slanted and that causes her to look like a madwoman
; she likes to make me slam my pencil on the table (:
; she loves to say, "okay the rest i wont go through cos there are too many words. you all can go and read urselves"
; she almost made yuanyi pull out her hair
; she loves to make me and nana laugh till we have stomach ache (:
; she loves to go for mission trip overseas! and say that she's very nice.
; she will be away for her mission trip when we're having out test.
; she likes to say that its their problem, not ours. when actually it is concerning us
; she loves to tell us her life story!
; the first half an hour of her first lessons with us was concerning her, nothing to do with HISTORY.
; she loves to ask us why we're laughing.
; she likes korea and intends on going to korean with YUMI (:
; she doesnt like to take public transport in korea along because she doesnt understand the language and her husband is working so no one accompanies her.
; she rejected my offer for yumi to go with her to korea and take public transport with her but she just ignored me -.-
; beehiang LOVES her!
thats all for now (:
i love khoo!
till tomorrow, cos i gtg now. i'll edit! i mean, tonight. or afternoon.
3:30 PM
Friday, July 14, 2006
there's still 26 minutes till 2.30 -.- we're all like camping at the computers to choose sabbats. how pathetic. hahaha. now the whole computer lab is like full of tenners (: all scattered around. hahaha.
luckily we didnt die for IT today. luckily miss ang is nice (: its so unfair that the first half only has to do three pages for website now >: ( but nevermind ): we shall just accept our fates (: who ask us to be the second half, and the first to do website first! rawr. i think dreamweaver sucks lah. i dont even see a reason why they make us do this.
charis just told me that they closed her LMS window. sad case (: but its okay! there's still a long way to go till 2.30 ): okay now, where did bianca go? =/ right...
when there was me and you is nice (: i think high school musical rocks (: i wanna go buy the vcd or dvd or whatever lah! the songs are nice (: and its super touching (: well at least i cried. RAH! (:
okay i dont feel like blogging already. toodles.
5:14 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
i'm suddenly in the superpower blogging mood! (:
today was funny! (: HAHAHA. before LA, mr. tan came to look for us! :O to chase us for our OM report! :O and we were all like OHMYGOSH! then me and bianca hid under the table! HHAHAHA. and then cher started walking out... so we followed (: cos we didnt want to leave her in the lurch! then he was talking to the other group! SO WE WENT BACK IN. and, we hid under the table again =/ this time, ALL SEVEN OF US. OMG. HAHAHAHAHA.
then he called us AGAIN! :O then we were like OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH DIE ALREADY. SHUCKS! then when we went out we were all like super laughy and stuff! (: HAHA. then, he asked, "why didnt you all come out when i called you just now?" AND I WANTED TO SAY because you were talking to the other group! but i didnt ): then he started asking where our OM report was...
and we said it was with CHARIS! which is true (: part of it was with her!!! well so yeah (: then he said if we dont hand in by tomorrow the penalty will be ZERO :O! I DONT WANT TO DO OM AGAIN NEXT YEAR! but i've been rushing the timeline for like... THREE DAYS! and its still not done. shows how much i have to do right. and im doing it alone. thats the best part. with no one helping me with it. right.
wait, there's still somemore funny stuff! DURING LA LESSON (: hahahah! then tenners were supposed to go up to read some stuff lah! then victoria was the first. then OMG. her voice was like superDUPERLOUD (in a good way) and EVERYONE GOT A SHOCK! and u cld like see all the tenners heads ZOOM BACK. hahaha! it was damn hilarious lah! then nana and me started laughing like shit =/ REALLY. cannot stop lah! and nana started tearing -.- as usual (:
okay anyway, i've decided that, if she's not gonna help us with it, IM GONNA HELP MYSELF (: i shall be dependent on myself! (:
12:13 PM
Monday, July 10, 2006
im so happy! (: i thought i would get commended lah =/ then when alethea smsed me, i was like :O! HAHAHA. SUPER HAPPY (with my ballet results)! i dont know why she got higher than alethea ): i think it's cos alethea always refuses to smile! >: ( rah! and she has alot of bad habits! and im jealous of alethea's natural pointe! its just not fair ): rah! but it okay (: sigh. i feel sad for alethea ): i think she deserved better!
and we went to serene centre just now cos BEEEEEANCA and i felt like eating island creamery! so AMINA and CHER just came along (: NANA was damn gay -.- she went out with her sis. -.- again. -.- but nevermind (: she said her sis' going back this saturday (: it just seems super super quiet without her lah! HAHAHAHA.
anyway, after we finished eating island creamery, we went to macs -.- cos BEEEEANCA and i felt like eating! (: so ... yeah (: then amina and cher chose a damn eerie seat -.- and there was this guy sitting beside us. and wtf. at first we were engaging in our own conversations and stuff. but then, i suddenly started eavesdropping when he said the "temperature" word and started scolding his son. scolding him for being slow. scolding him for not being able to pronounce/read the word fast. scolding his son for, even though he read the word fast enough already, for not being able to read the whole sentence fast enough. then he said f*ck. he called his own son an idiot. like what the. not to mention, f*cker and f*cking idiot. he went, "you idiot arh. " and then i just stoned. its like. so what if your son learns stuff slow. then why cant you just be patient with him! he's afterall your son. and the amount of trauma you're exposing him to, not to mention vulgarities, is just...overwhelming. he just kept on calling his son and idiot okay. and its not as if his son didnt like try to improve or anything. maybe thats the way he cares for his son, but i dont think its the right method. and, if he were his son, how wld he feel? it's like so demoralising and stuff. and this way, will his son ever improve? will he ever have the motivation/ determination to improve himself? i highly doubt so. like, people get tired of scoldings too. if you think that scolding him will really make a difference, then think twice. i mean, at least encourage him when he improves right. and not keep on scolding him. and i cant believe you even said, " yah, yah, you are always right. if you are always right why dont you go to school so that people dont have to teach you anymore. " i was like. omg. i feel like slapping you. and seriously i had the urge to step up to him and just ask him what the hell he's trying to do. verbally abuse his son? but we were in school uni. and even if we did that, it wld be meddling with other's personal affairs and moreover, we'd just ruin our school's reputation.
i know this is super blinding (: but... next time if you ever have children, please be patient with them! i mean, they're just kids. how much can you expect out from them. rah. it was just so... UGH! but, nevermind.
we saw a scandalous pair! (((: HAHAHAHAHA. inside story (: dont ask if you dont know! but OHMAN. its like. she's married! and he's cher's uncle! :O they went down staircase TWO! ( I REMEMBER OKAY. HAHAHA.) and then after that PARENT AND SON left, we left too. and we went down staircase two, hoping we'd find the adulterous pair! AND OH NO ): THEY LEFT ALREADY. how sad ):
BUT! when me and BEEEEANCA reached school, BEEEEANCA saw HER! omgomgomgomgomgomgomg it was like OHMYGOSH LAH! hahahaha then we chased her! :O then we figured that if she supposedly JUST reached school, then something MUST have happened in the carpark! :O but nevermind (: shant assume too much (: HAHAHA. but it was damn funny! then i was like telling cher to prepare herself for another wedding (: HAHAHAHAHA.
drama was damn gay! nana drooled -.- she's like forever drooling. but at least she doesnt have a DROOLER like beeeeeanca -.- HAHAHAHAHA. damn funny! luckily i wasnt sleeping beside nana during lsc =/ if not i think i'd wake up WET. hahahahahaha. grossss! but it was seriously damn funny lah! okay, not insulting the script or anything but maybe we were just pure high (: or were we normal...? THEN mr. tang was like "chinese dance! shhhhh!" HEY. I WASNT THE ONLY ONE MAKING NOISE LAH. just that i just burst out laughing at that point of time =/ when it was QUITE quiet ): AND AMINA LOOKED LIKE A DRUNKARD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. she was damn high! she and nana laughed till they cried lah! i dont know how they do that =/ SUPER SENSITIVE TEAR GLANDS! HAHAHAHA (:
but it was fun (: today's a gay day! (:
7:10 PM
Friday, July 07, 2006
for one, lots of things have been happening in my life.
for which i won't disclose the details to you (: good or bad, you decide for yourself. only those close ones around me know! (:
well, we were super hyper on wednesday. but wednesday was a pissifying day. the first two lessons of the day was the most pissifying.
she had enough of 210's attitude and start scolding us. actually i don't blame her lah. but can u imagine like a class of 36 pupils and only like 1% is listening to you =/ i'd get damn pissed. so yeah (: okay honestly i didnt know that we had to pass us science ws one -.- so i didnt hand in. and yeah. i got chased. rawr. ):
then there was art -.- the wire was irritating the hell outta us! it was like... so hard to bend?! i wonder who came up with the making sculpture idea. cos i dont think its very fun. -.- and in the end, what do we get. apart from this ugly looking thing. i trust myself that i will get F for art. rawr. i got C for home econs last semester. a tremendous drop from an A last year! ): but of course, then, we did not need to do reports -.- and jean was my partner (: that bean! HEH. she did all the dirty jobs... LALALA. but hey, she was willing to! right, jean? (:
hahahah. anyway! then we went out after that. at first i wanted to buy my dear nougats (: and in the end, i went home with everything except nougats. like. -.- gay. anyway nevermind (: im sort of over the craze, yet i still feel like eating them. hmm! but we walked around alot! and stupid wonglianghui was like complaining that something bad was gonna happen because her left eyelid was twitching -.- she's damn weird lah okay.
and well, as usual, with that weird girl, we embarrassed ourselves again. like, with her super loud laughter, what do u expect -.- it's always like that. with her only. im fine with nana lah! we dont exactly embarrass ourselves until so... nevermind! but in any case, she's the cause. (:
today had p.e. that person was there! BUT. THAT PERSON DIDNT TALK. i was like WAITING and anticipating that person to like start talking lah okay! -.- and that person just did not. okay fine maybe that person did. but i cldnt hear. I WAS TRYINGHARD TO GO CLOSER. but by the time i went abittttt closer, that person was not talking anymore. hmmm, i really wonder (: cos its like reallyreallyreally damn straight! (: hey you people, YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. no, not you, YOU! hahahaha. okay gay. (:
anyway! enough crap. byebye (:
2:35 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
okay fine so i havent been blogging for about two weeks. LALALA. (: nevermind right! HAHAHA. anyway, we had funfair today! it was damn tiring! >: ( and i walked so much that my hyperextension started to like... hurt. ): damn pain lah. and i know its the hyperextension cos its not my knee cap. >: (
but it was fun (: HAHAHAHA.
hmmm, the dance room is clean now (: i hope there arent any more staple bullets. i think we picked up like a few hundred lah. so dangerous. ohwell! hopefully someone sees it and picks up those that we couldnt see and throw it away before anyone gets hurt. especially when we're dancing ):
i dont feel like going for guitar ): HOW.
lots of stuff has been happening lately. i dont know how to deal with it, how to fix it anymore. i hope it can be fixed because i dont wish to lose you, even as a friend. ohwell, what to do?
2:26 PM